Izjemno lahki zaščitni čevlji Uvex 1 S2 SRC z zaščitno kapico xenova®, ki so zasnovani na podlagi najnovejših fizioloških raziskav in inovativnih tehnologij, da bi zmanjšali obremenitve mišično-skeletnega sistema in optimizirali počutje uporabnika. Praktično brez šivov in s protizdrsnim podplatom iz dvokomponentnega poliuretana, ki zagotavlja izjemno absorpcijo vibracij. Zahvaljujoč Uvex climezone tehnologiji so čevlji optimalno udobni za nošenje. Razred zaščite S2 v skladu z EN ISO 20345: 2011.
Zaščita podplata: Protection against chemical risks, Protection against risks due to electricity, Protection against mechanical risks, Slip resistance, Resistance to oils and fuels
The safest protection in the workplace becomes our concern.
As the company wants professionally trained sales engineers in consulting companies to be especially dedicated to the purchase, design, selection and maintenance of appropriate personal protective equipment, it asks you to book your appointment in advance. At the scheduled meeting, you will present in more detail the existing regulations, protected standards and selected protective equipment that requires your work.
The company, as a representative of high-quality leading global brands, in addition to their quality, expects innovative solutions, superior design and compliance with legislation and safety regulations. Therefore, when choosing business partners, special attention is paid to safety, ergonomics and economy.
Due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic, the company will no longer hold meetings in the office and at railway locations, but will hold them online - the Skype application.
The price of booking an appointment for a meeting with a sales engineer: 20 €
Za izboljšanje uporabniške izkušnje naša spletna stran uporablja piškotke. Poleg piškotkov, ki zagotavljajo funkcionalnost spletne strani, uporabljamo tudi piškotke za potrebe spletne analitike in integracijo socialnih omrežij.